33 Strategies of War: Declare War on your enemies

Feb 24, 2024

33 Strategies of War: Declare War on your enemies


What are you going to title this Discover Stack?

33 Strategies of War: Declare War on your enemies


What domain of CORE 4 are you Stacking?


Who/What are you stacking?

My Enemy


In this moment, what Discovery has
My Enemy
activated in you?

My enemy is Negativity. If I set myself against negativity, it becomes a heroic crusade for me. Defining my enemy gives me clarity and direction.


What is the story you're telling yourself about this discovery?

I am so grateful to have had this breakthrough. I have found another source of power.


Describe the single word feelings that arise for you when you tell yourself that story?

I know that I have what it takes to get home. Home for me is Heaven, but it is Heaven on Earth. I must battle and defeat my enemies to get there.


Describe the specific thoughts and actions that arise for you when you tell yourself this story?

grateful. Humble. Focused. Holy.


Stepping back from what you have discovered, why has this discovery been extremely positive?

It has shown me why I do everything. I am a boy trying to find his way Hole. Home is a place of Warmth and connection and Love and Laughter and Peace. Home is a state of mind. It's a blood memory for me.


Looking at how positive this discovery trigger has been, what is the singular lesson about life you are taking from this Stack?

Focus on the Enemy. It keeps me alert and gives me something to push against. My enemy is forceful. I Must make myself powerful.


What Category of life would you like to apply this discover?


The lesson you learned was
Focus on the Enemy. It keeps me alert and gives me something to push against. My enemy is forceful. I Must make myself powerful.
How does this lesson apply to your

I must focus on my enemy to give me clarity and power. I must focus on how not connecting with God led me to ultimate pain. Therefore, I must come home to God, battling negativity along the way.


What is the most significant REVELATION, or INSIGHT, that you are leaving this Discover Stack with? Why do you feel that way?

The most significant revelation I am leaving this Discover Stack with is that I must battle Negativity.


What immediate actions are you committed to taking leaving this Stack?

Wage war on Negativity