A Better Paradigm

May 30, 2022
When you were 29 years old, you looked at your surgically repaired knees and saw how weak they still felt. You had been doing foam rolling religiously for over 15 years. You had been obsessed with stretching. Neither one had helped you heal. What if you threw out all the ideas that orthopedic doctors had given you? What if you started doing the opposite of what you had been doing? What if you stopped stretching and stopped foam rolling today? 

In studying bob proctor's "how to change a paradigm," you learned that to change a paradigm (way of seeing the world), you need to replace your habits/thoughts with better ones. Take what result you don’t want and write the behavior that causes it. Now do the polar opposite. Done.
You feel this specific discovery it is significant because it allows You to write Your own ticket
Your result in Business is very poor right now. The behavior that gets you this is only doing one lesson every few days. The opposite behavior is to do 10 lessons in a day!!
Make more money by serving more people more often.