All It Takes is One Idea

May 30, 2022
When you were in 6th grade, you were struggling with a particular math homework problem. No matter how many times you tried, you could t solve it. With every new approach, you tried and failed. Now your confidence was gone. Your trust in your ability to figure things out was gone. This wasn't just about math anymore. You knew it was time to go to bed. You didn't really care anymore if you answered this correctly anymore.
You grabbed your pencil and went after one more time, knowing that it was the last time you would try it, and knowing at this point that you didn't care about the result.
It worked. You solved the problem, and let your head fall on your pillow and fell asleep with the sweet sensation of victory. 
what was different about this last attempt? Why did it finally work? Why had you finally gotten what you had wanted?

You were studying Jesse Itzler today. He used to be a rapper, now he is an extremely wealthy entrepreneur and author and he is married to billionaire Sara Blakely.
From him, you learned that We are all one idea, one sale, one referral away from changing the trajectory of our lives.
This specific discovery was significant because it gives you hope. To keep going, this is a powerful story to tell yourself.
You are one idea, one sale, one referral away from changing your life. Keep moving forward.