As A Man, You Must Walk and Talk with Conviction

May 23, 2022
When you were a junior in high school, you kept hearing your mom cry about how she wasn't sure you'd even make it to college. You had a 4.2 at the time and it still wasn't enough to assuage her worries. You allowed her worries to become yours, and the rest of your life suffered because you became obsessed with getting even better grades. You lost out on sleep and your social life. You lost yourself.. You forgot why you were even trying so hard. Did you even want what you were working towards? 
Full Stack
What resource(s) were you studying today?
What did you discover during your study session?
That as a man, it is your duty to make people feel safe and secure. You accomplish this in a number of ways, but you love that you can choose to walk in and put everyone at ease with only your bearing. You can further make the world better by speaking with Absolute Conviction.
Why do you feel this specific discovery was significant?
Sometimes you cower away from speaking your mind. You must live by standing up straight and walking and talking like a man.
What category of life would you like to apply this discovery?
How can you see applying this discovery to BODY
You must have the best, most erect posture if you want to fulfill your potential as a man. Like Sting. He commands respect. Like Clint Eastwood. He commands respect. Like Frank Sinatra. "I faced it all. And I stood tall. And did it my way."
As you sit back and survey your discovery and insights from this stack, what is the singular, simple, lesson on life you’re learning from this Discover Stack?
You must stop living how other people want me to do life. It's time you do it Your Way.