Authentic Positivity

May 30, 2022

When you were six, your brother opened a lemonade stand outside your house. You thought it was a great idea, so you set up your own lemonade stand right next to his. You were so excited to be working alongside your brother. You are two badass entrepreneurs! But He got mad, thinking that you were trying to steal his thunder, and he got madder still when he saw that most customers were coming to your "storefront" because You exhibited such joy and exuberance. People were drawn to you because of your authentic positivity. Jeff, in true entrepreneurial fashion, realized he needed a better offer, so he went inside and emerged with a pack of your dad's beer. When he started selling that, your mom quickly got a call and you had to shut down both of your operations.


Today you were studying some recent videos you made about yourself. You discovered that you "pretend" to be a positive person, but after watching your videos, you realize that you emit such a depressing energy. You need to change this now. 

You feel this is important because You can't run away from the energy that you give to your world. You must radiate positivity from the inside out and not just put on a happy facade because that comes off as inauthentic, and it is. 

You can apply this to business because people want to interact, invest in, and work with a wholly authentic person. You must generate real positivity from within. That way, You can give it to other people without feeling like you have to hype yourself up to talk to people. You must deal with your own personal demons, and so you can do better and create great things for yourself and for the world.