It's Time to Expand

May 30, 2022

When you were six years old, you were so excited to go to school and meet everyone. On the first day, they made everyone stand up and introduce themselves. When your turn came, you stood up proudly and said "Hewwo, my name is Deweck and dis is my brudda Jeffwey." The whole classroom started laughing. Even the teacher giggled. Someone shouted, "He can't even say his own name." You stood there red-faced, embarrassed and alone. Your twin brother bellowed out from the back "Derek! Learn to pronounce your R's!" 

You're standing up there all alone. Tears are streaming down your face, everyone thinks you're a joke, and you can't turn to anyone for help.


Earlier this past year you're looking around dating gurus on instagram because you're depressed that your girlfriend wants "time to herself." And you find this "expert" who says you should never waste your time trying to be with someone who doesn't want to be with you. He stresses the importance of speaking and acting with and from a place of authority.

Look, some people aren't going to like you. That's just the reality of life. Especially your life. No matter how positive, patient, and open-minded you are, some people will only ever see you as a ridiculous and worthless fool. But that doesn't mean you should feel like you're stupid or unworthy of love. You want to be loved? Start loving yourself. When you love yourself, you gain power and authority over your life because you suddenly don't have to play by the rules of other's people's expectations or opinions.

What's more, when you take control of viewing yourself as someone who is flawed and yet still worthy of love, you find that the right people are drawn to you. People who see you confronting your demons. People who see the honesty, the courage, and the undeniable light in you. When you start actually loving yourself (flaws and all), you start listening to the stirrings in your heart instead of the gossip around you. You become a leader. You become a leader because, like a lighthouse, you serve as a shining example of someone who is unapologetically bringing his full light into this world, instead of continuing to live like someone who's imperfections have made him afraid to shine.

You have faults. You are lazy. You don't show up at key times. You are insecure. According to everyone, you should be way more successful than you currently are. But when you stare nakedly at all of your inadequacies, somehow, you can still see a glimmer of light. That light is your power. It is your duty, your moral obligation to expand that light. That light is what you were born here to share. That light is where your authority comes from. It is the power from which you can create, as the author of your entire life. You can change your stars. You can create your life how you want it. You have the power to do so. You have the authority to do so.

Authority is everything. It is the most important power you can wield. It is about taking control of your light and harnessing its force to the fullest. Don't you dare let the negative opinions and judgements of others continue to make you dim your own light. Just shine full out, and commit to shining brighter every single day. That's how you get people to follow you. That's how you become better. That's how you make the world better. That's how you expand.

This is significant because you are about to take to market a new program, a new podcast, new blog, a new coaching business, and a new book. You've been worrying about it all being good, looking good, sounding good, and hoping desperately that people like it. But now you know that you should be spending your time, energy, and focus on building authority.

Authority is everything. Either do it with authority it with authority. Life is too short to play small.


That little boy who couldn't say his own name decided in that day that he wasn't going to shut up, cringe and hide away. He wasn't going to be scared into silence because some people thought he sounded foolish. On that day, he decided that he would always speak from his heart, stand up tall, and take his place at the front. He committed himself to becoming who he thought he could be, regardless of what the rest of the world thought.

You have forgotten that boy for too long. But he lives inside you still. It's time to remember him again. It's time to expand. 
