Belief is the Foundation

May 30, 2022
You were surfing outside your grandparents home on the North Shore of Oahu when suddenly the waves jacked up bigger and bigger. You froze for a moment. You let feelings of helplessness and fear wash over you. For some reason, a memory of watching a Kelly Slater surf movie popped into your head. You remembered watching him riding these towering waves. In the movie, he seemed totally calm and confident, even in those intimidating conditions. 
Feeling the ocean current ripping you out to sea, I were jostled out of your daydream. Immediately, You started making believe you were Kelly. You put that look in your eye like he had. You paddled aggressively like he did. And You turned around and started taking off on the bigger waves, attacking them like Kelly would. In doing so, a funny thing happened. You forgot about your fear and realized that you were surfing the biggest waves of your life.


During your study session today, you realized that who you are is a function of the story you tell yourself about yourself.
This specific discovery is significant. This changes everything. If you believe yourself to be the king, you become the king.
How can you see applying this discovery to BUSINESS? You can start seeing yourself as a King in Business, one who brings in big money every single day.
If you believe yourself to be the King, You will become the King.