David Deida: Superior Man

May 30, 2022
Full Stack
What resource(s) were you studying today?
Way of Superior Man
What did you discover during your study session?
You learned about Masculine and Feminine Polarity. You learned that in order to have polarity, you must give up what you wish to receive from your partner. For instance, if you want Love/Neediness/ to feel wanted, you must give those qualities up so that your partner can fill those holes, fill those gaps.
Why do you feel this specific discovery was significant?
You feel this was important because you were acting like the loving, needing, wanting energy in your previous relationship, and that did not allow space for her to be those things for you.
What category of life would you like to apply this discovery?
How can you see applying this discovery to BUSINESS
Well, What do you want? You want to be the King of 100 Emerald Bay. You need to allow the gaps to be filled. If you want people to be loving/needy/wanting of you, then You Must Be Disagreeable(Cold), Rich (Affluent), and Sufficient (Enough).
As you sit back and survey your discovery and insights from this stack, what is the singular, simple, lesson on life you’re learning from this Discover Stack?
What do you want? You want to be the King of 100 Emerald Bay. Are you willing to do whatever it takes? Yes. What must you become? You Must be Cold, Rich, and Sufficient.