Day 1 Base Camp - Perspective

Feb 24, 2024

Day 1 Base Camp - Perspective


What are you going to title this Discover Stack?

Day 1 Base Camp - Perspective


What domain of CORE 4 are you Stacking?


Who/What are you stacking?

Perspective Assessment


In this moment, what Discovery has
Perspective Assessment
activated in you?

In taking the Perspective Assessment, I discovered that I need a coach who can provide a map for me to follow and provide me with feedback to keep me on track.


What is the story you're telling yourself about this discovery?

Instead of trying to blindly stumble forward piece through my business journey by myself, I must hire a coach and follow his guidance. This will save me time and money in the long run.


Describe the single word feelings that arise for you when you tell yourself that story?



Describe the specific thoughts and actions that arise for you when you tell yourself this story?

I know that I don't have all the answers to the questions that I'm coming up against, so it makes complete sense to me to pay an expert to guide me through this process. I am not so prideful as to think that I can do everything on my own. I know that I must heed the advice of someone who has already gotten to where I want to go.


Stepping back from what you have discovered, why has this discovery been extremely positive?

The discovery that I need to hire a coach has been extremely positive because it takes a lot of weight off my shoulders. Though there is still much to do, at least now I will have a map to follow instead of stumbling through the dark.


Looking at how positive this discovery trigger has been, what is the singular lesson about life you are taking from this Stack?

The singular lesson about life that I'm taking from this is that it's important to seek council from people who have already accomplished what you want to do. They have priceless wisdom.


What Category of life would you like to apply this discover?


The lesson you learned was
The singular lesson about life that I'm taking from this is that it's important to seek council from people who have already accomplished what you want to do. They have priceless wisdom.
How does this lesson apply to your

I will apply this lesson to my business by hiring a coach who has already created a multi-million dollar business and who surfs every day. Those are the things that I want, so that is the kind of coach I will seek out.


What is the most significant REVELATION, or INSIGHT, that you are leaving this Discover Stack with? Why do you feel that way?

It's important for me to seek out and heed the wisdom of those who have already accomplished what I wish to do.


What immediate actions are you committed to taking leaving this Stack?

Power Assessment