Day 1 Base Camp Power Assessment

Feb 24, 2024

Day 1 Base Camp Power Assessment


What are you going to title this Discover Stack?

Day 1 Base Camp Power Assessment


What domain of CORE 4 are you Stacking?


Who/What are you stacking?

Power Assessment


In this moment, what Discovery has
Power Assessment
activated in you?

In completing the Power Assessment, I have found that my capacity (my power) is another limiting factor in my ability to find success in business. Even if I develop elite mindsets and skill sets, I must also have the physical, mental, and emotional capacity to be able to go out and hit the targets I set for myself.


What is the story you're telling yourself about this discovery?

My body is strong, but my lack of connection with God often leaves me in a position of apathy or even hopelessness. From that place, it is exceptionally difficult to summon the energy and enthusiasm to execute on the tasks that need to get done.


Describe the single word feelings that arise for you when you tell yourself that story?

Sad. Angry. Fearful.


Describe the specific thoughts and actions that arise for you when you tell yourself this story?

I think the number one aspect of my life that I need to focus on in order to increase my power is my connection with God. I have already started reading scripture every morning again. Another action I will take is meditating with the intent of opening my heart and spirit to God. Instead of saying a mantra or seeking stillness, I will use my meditation to create a sense of openness and readiness to receive God's communication with me.


Stepping back from what you have discovered, why has this discovery been extremely positive?

This discovery that my capacity has been limited by my lack of connection with God gives me hope because I now can see an area that I can focus on improving. The sense of progress alone will be comforting and will hopefully help me break past my current plateaus.


Looking at how positive this discovery trigger has been, what is the singular lesson about life you are taking from this Stack?

The singular lesson on life that I'm taking from this is that I must do everything I can to unlock my full capacity. I must get myself to unlock my full power so that I can reach my goals in business.


What Category of life would you like to apply this discover?


The lesson you learned was
The singular lesson on life that I'm taking from this is that I must do everything I can to unlock my full capacity. I must get myself to unlock my full power so that I can reach my goals in business.
How does this lesson apply to your

This lesson applies to my business because I need all cylinders firing in order to be successful. Only a few people know this, but I have been absolutely and completely depressed for many years now, and the only way I have been able to muscle through life for the last seven years is because I keep myself in such good shape and I have so much belief in myself. The depression is an ever-present reality for me, yet it is not due to a chemical imbalance. I have been devastatingly depressed for years now because I have been doing everything in my power to set aside enough money to be able to buy some quality instruments and more importantly, buy myself time to practice so that I can create a music album to share with the world. 7 years ago, I presented a kickstarter style album-fundraising effort to all of the millionaires in my parents' neighborhood detailing what I wanted to do: I wanted to raise $30,000 to fund an entire debut album. I would write every note, play every instrument, and sing every song. This would keep costs down because I wouldn't need to hire songwriters or session musicians. I had already taught myself how to play after college, and I was excited to share my talents in an inspiring way with my community and the world. Since I had worked as a fit model for Hurley, I reached out to them and we worked out a deal. They would allow me to record in their Costa Mesa studio as long as I used their producer. The producer costs would equal around $30,000 to create an entire album.
I presented this idea to all these millionaires, neighbors I had grown up with, and I showed them what they could expect from me if they helped me raise enough money. Long story short, I only was able to raise $3000 from all these people, and I was grateful for that, but frustrated that I was not really closer to reaching my goal. So I got to work.
For two years I served as the primary caregiver for my grandfather as he battled dementia. Eventually we moved him to Crown Cove, a nursing facility, and I kept working there. During this time, I played basically zero music because I would come home exhausted every night after work. I was just trying to save up cash to one day record this album. During this time, Hurley was bought by Blue Star, and the studio was shuttered. Now my goal was even further out of reach, and it continued to get worse. With new Covid restrictions, I was basically forced out of the nursing home so now I had no income, no studio, and no idea what to do. I took a job as a surf instructor, then quickly started teaching my own surf lessons.
I still needed more income, so I started teaching volleyball as well. I still wasn't making enough money to put away, so when people asked me to train them, I jumped at the opportunity.
Working all three of my jobs, I became burnt out but kept pushing. I used the money I set aside to build my own website and I taught myself how to build digital workout courses that I could sell to people who wanted to work with me but didn't live nearby.
This is where I am now. I have been in hustle mode since I came up with the ballsy idea to teach myself how to play music at the age of 24. I have been in grind mode since I have pitched the idea of creating an album for the world to enjoy. I have been way past exhausted for years now, and I'll continue to push, and I really am needing God to help me in a big way now. I have been clear from day 1 about my goal. I have asked my community for help,
I have prayed to God for assistance, and still I am no closer to creating this album. Not only that, but I haven't really played any music in almost seven whole years now because I have been trying to do the responsible thing and make some good money first. Well I'm absolutely miserable. People tell me all the time " You're so lucky you get to do what you love!" Child please. You've got to be kidding me. I have been rehabbing my knees for over 17 years now, and the last thing I want to do is to spend more time in a sweaty gym. I love surfing, but pushing people into waves is not that. I love volleyball, but teaching it gives me no joy. I've spent 7 years now hustling, hustling, hustling and all I've got to show for it is that I've become a P. E. Teacher. They say those who can't do, teach. Those who can't teach, teach P.E.. basically, I'm depressed because I have worked all this time to become a total loser. And now it's been so long without playing that I have lost all dexterity and "talent" that I had worked so hard to create.
I have all but lost the will to live. I've been very open with a few people about being suicidal for the last three years. I've tried psychotherapy, I cold plunge for serotonin resets multiple times per day, I journal, I meditate, and I exercise way harder than anyone I know. I've lost my love of life, but I psych myself up at 4:00am every morning and put on a smile and share moments on my social media to try to inspire people. At the end of the day it feels completely disingenuous, but I've learned from experience that people don't accept me being in anything but a positive mood.
But now I need to be inspired. I need to be "In Spirit." I need to really, really focus in on meditating with the intention to connect with God because I can't keep doing all this on my own.
I need to create a better connection with God, or risk losing my life altogether. This is the last stand for me.
I really need to connect with God again.


What is the most significant REVELATION, or INSIGHT, that you are leaving this Discover Stack with? Why do you feel that way?

The revelation for me is that I need to create space in my daily meditation for God to come and breathe life into me again. I need to be inspired again.


What immediate actions are you committed to taking leaving this Stack?
