Day 2 Benchmark 3

Feb 24, 2024

Day 2 Benchmark 3


What are you going to title this Discover Stack?

Day 2 Benchmark 3


What domain of CORE 4 are you Stacking?


Who/What are you stacking?

Day 2 Benchmark 3


In this moment, what Discovery has
Day 2 Benchmark 3
activated in you?

Journaling is mandatory in my journey to becoming a responsible and powerful man.


What is the story you're telling yourself about this discovery?

I must use journaling as a way to gain clarity and release my negativity.


Describe the single word feelings that arise for you when you tell yourself that story?



Describe the specific thoughts and actions that arise for you when you tell yourself this story?

I've always thought that journaling was just a hobby for softies, but I have discovered that journaling can be used as a powerful tool to focus my energy into production.


Stepping back from what you have discovered, why has this discovery been extremely positive?

This discovery has been positive because it has shifted the way I view the act of journaling. What I once dismissed as narcissistic mental masturbation, journaling is now clearly revealing itself as a strategic tool for production that I can use in my business.


Looking at how positive this discovery trigger has been, what is the singular lesson about life you are taking from this Stack?

Instead of lashing out at the world in anger, I can journal about what im feeling and get clarity on what's triggering me. Then I can take the necessary steppes to remove the trigger from my life or I can change my perception of the trigger itself. In either case, I am decreasing friction in my life and making myself more efficient and this more productive.


What Category of life would you like to apply this discover?


The lesson you learned was
Instead of lashing out at the world in anger, I can journal about what im feeling and get clarity on what's triggering me. Then I can take the necessary steppes to remove the trigger from my life or I can change my perception of the trigger itself. In either case, I am decreasing friction in my life and making myself more efficient and this more productive.
How does this lesson apply to your

If I can't immediately change something that's bothering me in my business, I can change the way I'm looking at it by journaling about it.


What is the most significant REVELATION, or INSIGHT, that you are leaving this Discover Stack with? Why do you feel that way?

Journaling is the best tool in my arsenal for helping me release negativity and get clear about what I want.


What immediate actions are you committed to taking leaving this Stack?

Keep listening