Day 2 Benchmark 4

Feb 24, 2024

Day 2 Benchmark 4


What are you going to title this Discover Stack?

Day 2 Benchmark 4


What domain of CORE 4 are you Stacking?


Who/What are you stacking?

Day 2 Benchmark 4


In this moment, what Discovery has
Day 2 Benchmark 4
activated in you?

I need to become more powersful across the different domains of my life and then focus all my energy into my business. This is a daily process. I wakeup, power up my body, my spirit, my love, and then I direct all that fire into my business


What is the story you're telling yourself about this discovery?

I must power myself up every single day. That means my mornings are sacred. That means I must protect my nights so that I get a great restful sleep. This commitment alone reduces wasteful expenditures at restaurants, stops me from having meaningless sex, and steers me away from Netflixing for hours every night.


Describe the single word feelings that arise for you when you tell yourself that story?

Focus. Humility.


Describe the specific thoughts and actions that arise for you when you tell yourself this story?

This is nonnegotiable. I must change how I operate every day, and this way of beginning my day will lead me to success.


Stepping back from what you have discovered, why has this discovery been extremely positive?

I used to think it was no big deal just to stay up late. Now I see that going to bed early is the one domino that I can knock over to increase my production because it gives me time in the morning to rev myself up in the areas of my physiology and physiology that need to be turned on.


Looking at how positive this discovery trigger has been, what is the singular lesson about life you are taking from this Stack?

I must start my day by hitting all these different parts of myself so I can bring all of me to my business every day.


What Category of life would you like to apply this discover?


The lesson you learned was
I must start my day by hitting all these different parts of myself so I can bring all of me to my business every day.
How does this lesson apply to your

when I come in all cylinders firing, I am unstoppable. This is what I need to do in order to be successful.


What is the most significant REVELATION, or INSIGHT, that you are leaving this Discover Stack with? Why do you feel that way?

I have a desire to produce more, and the only way for me to make that happen is to power myself up multi-dimensionally and then focus all that energy square into my business.


What immediate actions are you committed to taking leaving this Stack?

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