Day 3 be real Get Raw

Feb 24, 2024

Day 3 be real Get Raw


What are you going to title this Discover Stack?

Day 3 be real Get Raw


What domain of CORE 4 are you Stacking?


Who/What are you stacking?

Day 3 Be Real Get Raw


In this moment, what Discovery has
Day 3 Be Real Get Raw
activated in you?

If I don't get clear about what I want, I will never get it.


What is the story you're telling yourself about this discovery?

In the past, I have lacked the courage to clearly state what I want because I feared that if I didn't get it, I'd be crushed emotionally.


Describe the single word feelings that arise for you when you tell yourself that story?



Describe the specific thoughts and actions that arise for you when you tell yourself this story?

I think that it's time for me to finally get clear about what I want and go after it in spite of the fact that I'm afraid of failing.


Stepping back from what you have discovered, why has this discovery been extremely positive?

This discovery has been extremely positive because it shows me why I must be honest about what I want and how I feel. If I don't articulate what I want, i will never get it. If I don't allow myself to confront how I feel, I will keep numbing and sedating myself and never reach the success I deserve.


Looking at how positive this discovery trigger has been, what is the singular lesson about life you are taking from this Stack?

I must say what I want and be honest about how I feel.


What Category of life would you like to apply this discover?


The lesson you learned was
I must say what I want and be honest about how I feel.
How does this lesson apply to your

In business, I want to serve as many people as possible while at the same have a life that is my own, meaning that I'm not on the clock for someone else all the time. I feel burnt out from being there for my clients at all hours of the day.


What is the most significant REVELATION, or INSIGHT, that you are leaving this Discover Stack with? Why do you feel that way?

Only by being honest about what I want and how I currently feel can i get the clarity and power to change my life.


What immediate actions are you committed to taking leaving this Stack?

Core 4