From 0 to 100

May 30, 2022
You were in honors calculus and you found out that you were failing. You got your midterm back and you knew you needed to make a change. But when people asked how you were doing, you kept answering that you were ok. That you were fine. But you weren't fine. At the end of the year, you had to enroll in summer school to make up the class. Why hadn't you just owned up to the fact that you were in a tough spot and you needed help? Now you were going to lose out on the the joys of summer on the beach in SoCal. Never Again.

During your study session you realized that you are at ground zero.
You feel this specific discovery was significant because if you don’t get honest about where you are, then you can’t get to where you want to go.
How can you see applying this discovery to BUSINESS? You see that you're at 0 in Business, and you want to get to 100. So you have the awareness. You admit that everything is your fault and you are not where you want to be. 
You admit that you're at zero right now. But you're on the path to 100. From 0 to 100. It's time to move forward now.