Identify the Target, then Execute

May 30, 2022
When you were in your late 20's, you were drifting. You had all but given up on your dreams, and suddenly waking up every day became harder and harder. You found yourself growing more and more hopeless every day. Is this all there was to life? Working hard for 60 years then retiring as an old, fat man? People have been urging you to work hard now and then after you've "made it" you can finally do what you want. The only problem with this idea is that you'll have a family, a mortgage, and many more responsibilities at that point. The version of life looks very dim and confining to you. There's got to be another way. Will you find it? Will you create it? What is it that you actually Want?

Results are all that matter. You must identify what you want. Then you must identify what the obstacles may be. After that, you must identify solutions to the obstacles. Finally, You must Do the Work to get the result you am committed to getting.
So often you have gotten pumped up on revelations, but you have taken no new action. Not only that, but most of the time you have not even identified what you Want, so you've got all this pumped up energy wasted on BS.
If you don’t clearly identify what you want, what the obstacles may be, and how to deal with those obstacles, then you can do all the work you want but this unfocused way of operating drains you of time and resources and this way of being allows huge leakages of power.
First, Identify what you want. Then take strategic action to get the Result you want. That's how you move forward in life.