Kiyosaki Asset Column

May 30, 2022
What really allowed your surfing to take off was when you became a strong swimmer. You wanted to get better at surfing, to ride bigger waves and do bigger moves. After having had so much trouble even getting out to the lineup in the past, suddenly a whole new world opened up to you. And your surfing exploded. When you finally felt safe and secure in the ocean, you were able to start taking risks. Faster moves, stronger turns, bigger waves. And you got good.

While studying Robert Kiyosaki's "Rich Dad Poor Dad," you discovered that it is all about stacking an abundant Asset column. Thats really it. Also, if you want something, give it first. You love your life. You love the fact that you are the king. You love the fact that you can walk into any room and make it better. The rich use savings to create more wealth. You see every dollar in your asset column working hard for you. If you feel laziness, you must ask myself "whats in it for me?" because greed is a powerful motivator.
The discovery that it is all about buying assets is what really struck you as being the keys to the kingdom. There are 6 asset categories: Stocks, Bonds, Income-earning real estate, Notes (IOU's), Royalties from intellectual properties such as Music, Scripts, or Patents, finally, anything else that has value, produces income, or appreciates, and has a ready market.
You can see this applying to business because life is really all about acquiring loot. It''s a game. Kiyosaki called it Asset Buying. You call it wealth acquisition. In any case, its common sense, and you must do your part in becoming more financially stable by adding to every single one of these asset categories every single day.
An abundant Asset column brings you safety, security, and the ability to take risks.