Leader of Men

May 30, 2022
When you were in 4th grade and playing soccer for the yellow jackets, you found yourself 4 games in to a losing season. The team lost and lost and lost. This game, however, you were committed to winning. So you tried to put the team on your back and go for victory by yourself. You didn't pass, you took too many desperate shots on goal, and you began to alienate your own team members.
At halftime, you decided to let go and actually lead the team instead of trying to force everything. You passed more. You only took strategic shots on goal, and you encouraged and lifted up your teammates for the rest of the match. 
You lost the game, but you gained a valuable lesson on how to lead a team that day.
Studying today about John D Rockefeller, you learned that his only pleasure was seeing his dividends pour in. Also, he didn’t want to be a slave to money. He saw it was better to have 100 men give him 1% of their strength rather than he himself give 100% of his strength.
You feel this specific discovery was significant because it shows you the power of building a network, an army, a workforce, a marketplace under you.
Instead of giving 100% of your own effort to your business, you will pay people to do 1% of their effort in order to make your business run.
You need to acquire Riches to buy your dream home and your dream life. People need to be led. You must lead people to give you 1% of their efforts in return for your leadership of them. Your stewardship of their interests. In this way, You are like Medici. You are the Medici bank. You have their hearts and dreams in your hands.