Lesson from Chase Jarvis' work "Creative Calling"

Dec 28, 2022
In his book, "Creative Calling," Chase Jarvis asserts that each of us has the power of creativity running through our veins.

I haven't been sure if I really am a capable creator. Like so many, I have battled with imposter syndrome for most of my life. My own fears are echoed and magnified by the voices in my environment. "Who do you think you are?" "Why do you think your shit doesn't stink?" "Has anyone even told you that you're talented?"

But when I tell myself this new story, that I am a creator, then I immediately feel the urge to get moving. To get creating.

Telling myself this new story changes everything. Instead of feeling trapped and fearful, I feel free and confident to take whatever ideas I have and turn them into tangible form.


The singular lesson from life I am taking from studying Jarvis' book is that I can accept the moniker of Creator for myself. Instead of solely being influenced by the environment I'm in, I can use my power to shape the environment around me. If I don't like my job, I can change it. If I don't like how my relationships are going, I can change them. If I don't like how I am showing up, I can change the way I'm contributing to this world.

This lesson demonstrates the fact that I have the power to create the life I want. It demonstrates the notion that I must stop blindly accepting my life how it currently is. It demonstrates the responsibility I have to rise up and be who I was born to be. This lesson single-handedly destroys any victimization pretexts because it shows me that I have the power to change my mind, my body, and my environment.

 I am a creative man. This power has always been inside me, and I am done with keeping it dammed up. It's time to let my creativity flow. It's time to show myself and others what's possible when we listen to our hearts instead of the chaos of the environments we're in. The creative calling of our hearts is the most fundamental truth in our lives and we know it. It's time to stop suppressing. It's time to start expressing.