NY Dolls 1

May 30, 2022
In eighth grade, you were trying out for the school musical. You had forgotten to learn the song, you had not prepared, and you were not talented in the usual thespian sense. But you were willing to risk more than anyone else. You didn't care about looking foolish or dying an emotional death. So went out and stared at the auditioner right in the face and gave her a performance she would never forget.
Studying the NY Doll Documentary, you discovered that the bands thought there was nothing "DANGEROUS' about pop music at the time. The sense of Danger was what the NY Dolls brought to the scene. In a lot of ways, this is like "Where the Wild Things Are" when he does the trick to the biggest monsters...He stares them down right in the eye. He stares them Dead in the Eye. Dead in the Eye.
Why do you feel this specific discovery was significant? Life is scary. Being a singer is scary. Its fucking frightening. Singing is going to War. Writing and singing a song is going to battle. Making an album is going to war.
By staring at the monsters Dead in the Eye, you can beat them. You can make them your subjects. You can dominate the things that scare you. In fact, you MUST dominate them.
When you're scared...turn the trick. Turn the Trick. Stand tall to the monsters that scare you and look at them...Dead in the Eye.