Own the Mind

May 30, 2022
In 5th grade, you were one of the youngest athletes in the 2 mile race at the track meet. You looked around at the other runners, but you didn't really see them. All you saw in your mind was you winning. 
The gun went off and you found yourself in the middle of the pack the first three laps. You were being secretly pushed and shoved and out-muscled by the older athletes. But you stopped paying attention to what was going on outside, and feeling what was going on inside. Inside your mind and heart, you still had that same image shining big and brightly. The image of you winning gave you confidence. It gave you the push you you needed to really go for it. You'd constructed this movie in your head, and you already knew how this story was gonna end. So you took off and made that story a reality. The pack didn't stand a chance.

In reading "Think and Grow Rich" again this morning. you learned that you must control or "own" your mind.

Own your mind, own your life. Whatever we think about, we bring about. We have absolute control over the thoughts in our minds. We can use it if we want. In fact, we cannot be successful unless we control our own minds.

This specific discovery was significant because it reminds you that YOU Are the master of Your fate, the captain of Your soul.
Own what’s in your mind, own what’s in your life.