Power: The Nike Force Number

May 30, 2022
Full Stack
What resource(s) were you studying today?
Nike Combine Flaherty is a specialist in getting men strong fast
What did you discover during your study session?
Flaherty's go-to exercise for developing his athletes' strength-to-weight ratio is the Concentric Trap Bar Deadlift. Here's how to perform it: Stand with your feet hip-width apart in the center of a trap bar. Bend your hips and knees, and reach down to grasp the handles at your sides. Tighten your core, pull your shoulders down and back, and tuck your chin. Extend your hips and knees, and drive through your heels to stand up straight. Squeeze your glutes at the top of the movement. Drop the trap bar to the ground and repeat.
Why do you feel this specific discovery was significant?
You now can lift with confidence, knowing your force number is going up
What category of life would you like to apply this discovery?
How can you see applying this discovery to BODY
You are getting strong by using the trap bar. Now you can have better and more efficient form.
As you sit back and survey your discovery and insights from this stack, what is the singular, simple, lesson on life you’re learning from this Discover Stack?
Strength to weight ratio is everything.