Rockefeller fueled the world

May 30, 2022
When you show up, you light people up. Now that you are sitting there with your bum knee and not reaching out talking to anyone. It's your second "career-ending" surgery, and you won't reach to anyone. When are you going to realize it's not all about you? Just because you aren't at 100% is no excuse. You still have a moral obligation to be a great and inspiring influence for your world. When are you going to stop feeling sorry for yourself?

Today, you read biographical notes on America’s first billionaire John D. Rockefeller and you discovered that he based his life around Dominating the Oil industry. Oil provides Fuel for cars. You can base your life around Dominating the Inspiration (Heart-Fuel) industry. Inspiration provides Fuel for people‘s hearts.
This specific discovery was significant because this could very well be your way to riches. This could be your way to massive income this month.
You must Dominate the Fuel industry. It has been done before. Rockefeller fueled the world. You will do the same.
You make your Fortune by Fueling the world.