Standard Oil Co.

May 23, 2022
When you were in fourth grade, you created a workout magazine called Rock Hard. In it, you used your unique written voice to entertain and educate your peers. You had such a blast writing those little articles! With articles like "Clean Plate Club: Why You Should Always Finish Your Food," You wrote with authority and passion. Somewhere in between getting interested in sports and girls, You lost sight of your gift for writing. You completely forgot about the thrill of letting your pen dance across a blank page. You should have never stopped.


Full Stack
What resource(s) were you studying today?
John D Rockefeller bio
What did you discover during your study session?
He created Standard Oil, then he created a monopoly.
Why do you feel this specific discovery was significant?
It lays out what to do to dominate any industry. He put all his competition out of business. He had such a high level of production that no one could compete.
What category of life would you like to apply this discovery?
How can you see applying this discovery to BUSINESS
Rockefeller won because his production dwarfed everyone else. Where do you have a competitive advantage? Where can sou set the pace and start outproducing the rest of the world? Are you a great writer? Great. Could you publish more than anyone else in that space? You may as well try. Get after it now.
As you sit back and survey your discovery and insights from this stack, what is the singular, simple, lesson on life you’re learning from this Discover Stack?
Be the King. Set the Standard. Build the Kingdom.