Stare the Monsters Dead in the Eye

May 30, 2022
Today you were rereading the Introduction of Think and Grow Rich and you discovered that the little girl wanted 50 cents because her mother needed it. The bad, scary man told her no and that she better leave. She did not blink. She did not budge. He got a weapon and looked like he would hurt her. She stepped toward him, looked him Dead in the Eye and aggressively repeated that she Wanted 50 cents. He gave in. She got what she Wanted.
This encounter reveals that obstacles and monsters will try to stop you from getting what you want. In fact, the monsters usually are guarding what you want, like the dragon guarding gold in a cave, or a serpent guarding a tree with golden apples. If you “Turn the Trick” like the little kid in Where the Wild Things Are, if you stare the monsters down and shown them that you are more powerful and dangerous than they are, then they will give you the treasure you are seeking.
You want to own 100 Emerald Bay. To do that, you must get $20 from 1 million people. You must show them that you are more dangerous and powerful than any one of them.
You must decide what you want. Then, you must stare the Monsters Dead in the Eye until they give you the treasure you seek.