Starting to Listen to God

May 30, 2022
When you were seven, you heard a voice inside your heart. This voice told you to create, to write songs to express how you felt inside in order to connect with the world around you. You sat down at your Compaq computer, picked out the mysterious Mistral font, and you got to work. To your surprise, it was easy. After a short time sitting there, you had created a song. Amazing! A voice inside told you to share it. So you print it out and March down to your mother down stairs and tell her you wrote a song. Your speech impediment is still making your voice weak and cartoonish, so you hand her the printed sheets of lyrics. She asked, "What am I supposed to do with this?" You wanted her to read it. You wanted her to enjoy what you created. You wanted her to understand that you were trying to express yourself, and that trying this new avenue of communication was a direct result of listing to a voice in your heart. But she shrugged it off and handed it back to you, then walked back to the kitchen.

During your study session today, you discovered that you have the gift of revelation. It is not solely something reserved for those in positions or authority. You have the voice of God inside you as well, guiding you, and you can trust it. You must trust it.
This specific discovery was significant because far too often you look outside yourself for answers, when in reality, You are the man who has the answers. You are the King. You are the King of your world.
You must start listening to your heart and your gut. You have direct communication with God. This is what they used to call the Divine Right of Kings, but in actuality we all have the ability. This ability comes from listening to and trusting in the voice inside of ourselves.
You must Obey your inner voice.