Status and Position

May 30, 2022
Full Stack
What resource(s) were you studying today?
12 Rules
What did you discover during your study session?
The Best animals are obsessed with status and position.
Why do you feel this specific discovery was significant?
This is a subconscious way we assess the world. We take a look around, figure our position in it, then orient ourselves around that position.
What category of life would you like to apply this discovery?
How can you see applying this discovery to BEING
Instead of orienting around others, you should ask yourself who you want to be, and then build your entire world based upon that idea. If you want to be King, you must absolutely see yourself as a King.
As you sit back and survey your discovery and insights from this stack, what is the singular, simple, lesson on life you’re learning from this Discover Stack?
We create our reality with our perspective. You want to win. To do that, you must know how to think. You must know that you must choose what to believe. You  must Believe that You Are the King!