Talent Follows Training

Aug 03, 2024

Everything comes down to repetitions. To get good at anything, one must put in the time to train.

In the past, I have seen clearly in music and sports that training specifically, methodically, and for long hours is what elicits skill acquisition. For some reason, I have never seen Business the same way. I have seen Business as this towering, monolithic, scary thing that one must be born knowing how to navigate. I'm only just realizing at 35 years old just how foolish that idea was. The vocabulary and methods of being an accountant or a CEO can be learned, just like in music and sports. This means that if I want to get better at running a business, I can train myself to do just that.

I think its incredibly hope-inducing to know that training can take me from where I am to where I want to go---in any endeavor. It's such a simple truth that I sometimes forget.

This realization has reminded me that I am in complete control over every aspect of my life. I am not a victim of circumstance. If I am a bad musician, then I can train myself to be good. If I am a bad athlete, then I can train myself to be good. If I am a bad businessman, then I can train myself to be good. This is a completely freeing idea because it shows me just how powerful I can be if I so choose.

I can be, do, or have anything that I want. And so can you. All we have to do is figure out what we want, and then train ourselves to become the kind of person who gets that result.

Today, I know that I want to sell more copies of my App so that I can help more people transform their bodies and better their lives. To do this, I know I need to learn how to market my goods. Today, I will spend 30 minutes devoted to learning more about marketing in the digital realm, and then I will immediately practice using what I've learned.

 It's all a choice. I can stay complacent or I can strive to become more.