Mentor's rules of success

Aug 14, 2024

One of my mentors has created his own Rules for Success and he shared it with me. I am looking over it right now as I sip my morning water with electrolytes. There are so many great points in his Rules, but the most important is "just show up" and "punctuality is everything." Both of these rules are self explanatory, and they illustrate the importance of not hiding away from responsibility. It's important to get to work, get there early, and do what needs to be done. Another great rule he has is to "Always Write Thank You Notes." What simple yet powerful ideas these are. I realize that I have been failing in my punctuality and I see now how important being on time really is. In addition, I have discovered that I have been blowing it in terms of really showing my appreciation to people. Writing Thank You notes used to be a joy-filled experience of mine, but I have let that habit fall by the wayside. 

I must start doing the little things better. This is so simple and important. Instead of pretending like I'm too busy to write a quick note, I must start making the time to sit down and really express my gratitude to those who are helping me on my journey to becoming a more successful businessman. Not only that, but I feel awful about making people wait on me. It is time to make a change. I must make punctuality a part of my identity. I must start respecting other people's time and start showing up when I say I am going to. This comes down to integrity. When I say I'm going to do something, I better do it. When I say I am gong to be at a client's house at 8am for instance, I will now be making sure that I arrive no later than 8am. 

I want to be my best. I want to take care of those around me. I want to make sure that I am being the the kind of man that my community counts on me to be.

In looking at my mentor's Rules, I realize that they are all great lessons, and some apply more than others. I don't have kids, but when I do, I want to pass down the Way I look at things and how I approach the world. I am going to start drafting my own List of Rules for Success and I will be sharing it here soon. Like these journal entries, it will be not only something that I can share with the world, but it will also be something I can share with my children one day so that they can really get a sense of how I approach life and why I do the things that I do. Lastly, looking at it every day will remind me of what I must do in order to create the success that I desire in my life.