The Pen is the Sword

May 30, 2022

When you were young, you always could say exactly what you wanted. If you were hungry, you said you wanted food. If you were trying to get into a certain school, you wrote a letter stating your intent. After your second knee surgery, you stopped asking for what you wanted. You stopped writing down your goals. You stopped putting your intentions down on paper. You stopped asking for what you wanted, and therefore, you stopped receiving what you wanted.


Today you learned that the pen is the sword. This idea that you have access to a powerful sword harkens back to the King Arthur legend. This metaphor shows you where your power lies. You can use this power to "Write" your life into existence. It puts everything together, giving you full power on the way to prosperity. The mission is prosperity. 

For the last seven years, you have thought that journaling was a form of just verbal throw up. But the tool of journaling centers, focuses, and sharpens your focus, you've realized. Today, for example, your focus, your target, should be on attracting the money you want in your mind right now. Don't spend your time and energy worrying.

Focus your mind and write down what you want in order to bring energy into tangible form. If you focus your energy on transforming the money in your mind into tangible form, you will have it in your hand. Today!