Financial literacy

May 30, 2022
You you in college and you were dating a wonderful young woman. She wanted to get married and you string her along for years. Why couldn't you commit? Why did you keep lying to her, making her feel you too wanted the same thing? We're you just afraid to be alone?

You went all in on a heavy guided meditation this morning, and you discovered that you were a lying, lazy sack of shit. You discovered that you couldn’t hide it anymore. The lie you tell yourself and others is that you're ok. But you are not Ok. This lie seeps into every part of your life. You are now going from 0-100. You want 100 so badly.
This realization is significant because it reminds you that you are the controlling force in your life, but you must look at what you don’t like about your current reality that you need to change. You need to change your financial standing now. 
You must stop lying and telling yourself that you're ok with your current reality. Everything is not ok, and you must go from 0-100 today in your finances in order to get on track to living how you want.
Today, you will focus your energy and attention on money acquisition. In the past, you have not put enough attention on this aspect of your life because financial literacy seemed daunting and totally unattainable by someone like you. Now, however, you are  finally moving forward in learning about how to approach money in a way that will bring you what you want.