Training with Dane Selznick

May 30, 2022
Your first day of college, you were so excited to take your Spanish class. This was going to be your major, after all. But upon opening your mouth, the professor informed you that she didn't like your accent. 
you spent the rest of the semester speaking less and less. It wasn't fun anymore. What was the use opening your mouth if you knew you were going to get shot down every single time? You got stiff and tight in class, and you couldn't wait for the semester to be over. Never again.

In playing vball with Dane Selznik, Olympian athlete, you learned that you must move like an animal again. Make it look easy. Make it look smooth. Make it look like you're having fun.
This specific discovery was significant because in the past you have been too tight, you have been bent over, and this seems to be a whole lot easier
How can you apply this discovery to BUSINESS? Make it look like you’re having fun. Too often, you see moving through the necessary actions of life as drudgery. Moving forward, you will pretend that you are having fun.
Make it fun.