What You See Will Be

May 30, 2022
After your second knee surgery, you started seeing yourself as someone who was broken. This picture led you to be embittered, resentful, and pessimistic. Why did you allow yourself to see yourself as broken?

The resource you studied today was "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill. From the book, you learned that Expectations Drive Results. If you see something happening in your mind, it will happen in your life. Like Bob Proctor says “if you see it in your mind, you’ll hold it on your hand.” And Covey states that everything in your life is a “second creation” born out of the pictures in your mind.
You must remember that you are visual. You must Change the Pictures in your mind to change the results in your life. 
You must draw the pictures in your mind to what you want to occur in your life. You create your life. You produce your life!
The pictures in your mind become the pictures in your life.