Willingness to Go All the Way

May 30, 2022
The first girl you ever wanted to kiss was Kelly. You were friends, and you wanted desperately to be something more. When she started getting approached by more and more guys, you knew you couldn't wait any longer. You decided to to tell her how you felt, and you didnt care what happened. Then you went for it.

Watching "Dances With Wolves," You discovered that by being ready to die, Kevin Costner ensured his success.
This specific discovery was significant because it mirrors what "Think and Grow Rich" says: only by going to that edge can we get what we truly want.
In applying this discovery to BUSINESS: You have to be ready to die. Literally, metaphorically. You have to know what you want, want it so badly that you’ll do anything for it. Then you have to act without caring about what happens.
Know what you want. Approach it with everything you are. Be ready to die for it.